APPNOLOGY 101, PART 2: “Unity of Command”

Transportation Tech Editor
4 min readMar 13, 2022


Richard Ramis, AYS Dispatch, Inc.

Before I get into the mechanics of overcoming some roadblocks in our industrial endeavor, I must first explain some basic factors to underscore what we are up against.

Let’s start out with two hypothetical fifteen car operations. They look alike, they act alike, they gross and net alike. They both are based in and service Anywhere, USA.

Now, if we merged these two operations we could service the existing book of business with 25 cars instead of the previous 30 required. This is based on the theory of exponential growth. The more we merge, the more we ally, the more we can do with less.

Unlike the UBER model who wanted to monopolize mobility. Our alliance would allow us to make up for the driver shortage by reducing the quantity of drivers needed to service the market at hand. Among the other bonuses achieved is that all parties included will have higher miles to money revenue ratio than previous or typical for hire vehicle income due to a variety of overlaps and coverage options.

There are many other advantages by membership amongst the masses. Among the obvious are the economies of scale and an endless array of operational synergies. The choice and stable of vehicles are virtually endless. Seating capacity and colors are plentiful and, naturally, borders are nonexistent.

Now, this is obviously easier said than done. Let’s touch on some basic guidelines needed to control the crowd and launch something historic.

Firstly, all classes, levels, and sizes of vehicles are invited. It is based on total vehicular inclusiveness. Furthermore, this is not a matter of companies opting in. Everyone is in, no differently than searching for an affiliate in Bermuda. All companies regularly speak to consumers, networks, and brokers. However, a company may opt out if they choose so. A transportation version of the “do not call registry.”

The basic structure and coverage execution is done in layers emanating from each member’s home base. It is based on the one primary pretense: that GPS is overrated. The world does not and should not exist solely based on it. It has its place; it certainly serves a function. But the trick to create a modern transportation juggernaut is to get into the driver’s head. More importantly give the new breed of drivers something they consider more sacred than efficient dispatch or money per miles. That is choice. Or perhaps the perception of such.

I work with a particular driver. He is educated, articulate, well respected, and enjoys his job. He lives in Morton Grove, Il, a north suburb of Chicago. If he is offered a Morton Grove to South Bend Indiana wait and return versus a Lemont Il to Midway airport for a fraction of the pay, he will take the Lemont, Il. Why you ask? This person’s favorite Italian beef stand is in Lemont, Il and he will go there at any given chance. It isn’t based on logistics or economic efficiency. It is based on his desire to get a beef dipped and, in his mind, he just got paid to go there.

I gave up years ago trying to get into the heads of many of these people. It is basically easier to work around their idiosyncrasies than change them.

I know drivers that refuse to go to certain towns or counties because an ex-wife lives there, or as a teenager they spent a night in the clinker there. I know several drivers who refuse to work on Friday the 13th. And my biggest pet peeve: “I can’t work Tuesday it is my birthday”

The for-hire vehicle, regardless of marque, is a three dimensional mechanical mobile ATM, for every single purpose the APPS tried to pimp out these vehicles they missed 4 or 5 alternative revenue points.

Now you ask, why am I bringing up all this noise and how can one function without giving GPS a starring role. The solution that I believe can become the new master instrument and drive train of dissemination and distribution of payload is broadcasting.

Some may ask, can we seriously collectively topple UBER? Many thought Airbus did not stand a chance against the mighty Boeing. They were actually spot on in that respect. Boeing was a brick-and-mortar behemoth that allowed steel and rivets to enter the east door while finished aircraft rolled out the west door. Then Airbus aligned with suppliers and companies across Europe to each do one task. They agreed, they performed, they shipped their portions to Airbus for assembly, and the rest is history.

That is our plan. But, we will execute it more efficiently and profitably. Our magic weapon will be outbound multi-tier broadcasting coupled with inbound multi-tier bid-casting. Most importantly, remember it is always about servicing the end user. Our team has historically performed where I can honestly say our worst day stills bests UBER’s best day.

Stand by, this will be fun.



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